About Us

Hi everyone! We are Burning Ember Reptiles - founded, owned, and operated by Christopher and Elizabeth Nash. We have a bit of a variety, but we primarily focus on corn snakes and hognoses.

The passion started with Elizabeth. She has always had a love for reptiles and got her first snake her junior year of high school. That snake was a Miami corn snake named Ember. Ember has remained a very important and loved member of our collection. He even sparked the idea of our company name and logo!
Christopher was a little slower to the game. We met in early 2021, right around the Arctic Blast of Texas. He wasn’t too sure about all of Elizabeth’s snakes, but jumped in head first once he realized how crazy and passionate she was about it. Not long after that, he built her a whole building to keep and grow their collection in, and grow it has! We have a foundation collection for our business that we are both incredibly proud of.

Each year brings more exciting projects and adventures. We plan to continue to grow, develop, learn, and expand throughout the years. This is truly our passion and we couldn’t think of anything else we would rather be doing. We’re so excited to make this journey with our friends, customers, colleagues, and supporters. We are so grateful for the opportunities and friendships this venture has opened up for us, and we appreciate every little bit of support we have received, are receiving, and will receive. Thank you all!

C + E